Kaspersky Anti-Virus added to FCC list of National Security Threats

For the first time, a Russian corporate entity has been put on the list of National Security Threats by the FCC. Kaspersky AV, which is headquartered in Moscow, was created by Eugene Kaspersky whom US officials have referred to as a former Russian intelligence officer. This is not the first time a foreign company has been […]
June “Digit” & “Double Digit”

Our Ontario general election will be held on Thursday June 2, 2022. We have four choices and get one digit (X) to use. Optional party leaders are Andrea, Doug, Mike or Steven. Our leaders span from Left to Right with promises and performance history to evaluate. Three of the four parties have ruled over the […]
Go Fourth into Tomorrow

In December of 1913, Henry Ford turned labor on its’ head with powerful innovations in transportation and the automated assembly line and displaced thousands in the process. In March of 2020, the discovery and spread of COVID-19 had a effect on the modern labor force displacing millions, if not billions. This has reshaped how we […]
MSPs and Economic Growth

OECD predicts Canada will be the worst-performing advanced economy over the next decade…and the three decades after that. https://bcbc.com/insights-and-opinions/oecd-predicts-canada-will-be-the-worst-performing-advanced-economy-over-the-next-decade-and-the-three-decades-after-that Canada has moved from the back of the pack to last place in productivity and is projected to hold this spot for decades to come, meaning “Canadian living standards and quality of life relative to other countries are set to […]
Outsourcing 2022

In automotive tech, AI implemented “foot to the rear door” activation. In Human Management we’ve eliminated this motivational feature. As AI discovers new frontiers to conquer, leaders are scrambling to balance performance, motivation and wellness issues in a volatile environment. More are doing “lift & shift” of process or total functions to an outsource provider. […]
Are Excessive Notifications Hurting Your Productivity?

It’s no secret that mobile devices are simply a part of modern life; including our work life. Part of the convenience of our constant connectivity is having all of our services at our fingertips. But with that convenience come constant interruptions in the form of notifications. Accommodations have been made to turn them on and […]
U.S. Department of Justice Announces Disrupt of Cyclops Blink Botnet

On April 6th, the DOJ’s Office of Public Affairs released a statement about actions that were taken to “disrupt a two-tiered global botnet of thousands of infected network hardware devices”. The release specifies that the botnet was controlled by Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) where previously it was simply referred to as state-sponsored. This comes after collaborative […]